LookMeUp Developer Guide


LookMeUp is a brownfield software project based off AddressBook Level-3, taken under the CS2103T Software Engineering, at National University of Singapore.

  1. The UI features of AddCommandHelper was reused with minimal changes from Snom.
  2. Fuzzy Input was adapted from geeksforgeeks.
  3. GitHub Co-Pilot was used sparingly as an autocomplete tool in the writing of some code snippets.

Setting up, getting started

Refer to the guide Setting up and getting started.



The Architecture Diagram given above explains the high-level design of the App.

Given below is a quick overview of main components and how they interact with each other.

Main components of the architecture

Main (consisting of classes Main and MainApp) is in charge of the app launch and shut down.

  • At app launch, it initializes the other components in the correct sequence, and connects them up with each other.
  • At shut down, it shuts down the other components and invokes cleanup methods where necessary.

The bulk of the app's work is done by the following four components:

  • UI: The UI of the App.
  • Logic: The command executor.
  • Model: Holds the data of the App in memory.
  • Storage: Reads data from, and writes data to, the hard disk.

Commons represents a collection of classes used by multiple other components.

How the architecture components interact with each other

The Sequence Diagram below shows how the components interact with each other for the scenario where the user issues the command remove 1.

Each of the four main components (also shown in the diagram above),

  • defines its API in an interface with the same name as the Component.
  • implements its functionality using a concrete {Component Name}Manager class (which follows the corresponding API interface mentioned in the previous point.

For example, the Logic component defines its API in the Logic.java interface and implements its functionality using the LogicManager.java class which follows the Logic interface. Other components interact with a given component through its interface rather than the concrete class (reason: to prevent outside component's being coupled to the implementation of a component), as illustrated in the (partial) class diagram below.

The sections below give more details of each component.

UI component

The API of this component is specified in Ui.java

The diagram below represents a partial implementation of the UI components of LookMeUp

Structure of the UI Component

The UI consists of a MainWindow that is made up of parts e.g.CommandBox, ResultDisplay, PersonListPanel, StatusBarFooter etc. All these, including the MainWindow, inherit from the abstract UiPart class which captures the commonalities between classes that represent parts of the visible GUI.

The CommandHelperWindow has a different implementation from the rest of the UI components, which will be explained in detail at the Add By Step feature. This is to avoid cluttering the architecture diagram.

The UI component uses the JavaFx UI framework. The layout of these UI parts are defined in matching .fxml files that are in the src/main/resources/view folder. For example, the layout of the MainWindow is specified in MainWindow.fxml

The UI component,

  • executes user commands using the Logic component.
  • listens for changes to Model data so that the UI can be updated with the modified data.
  • keeps a reference to the Logic component, because the UI relies on the Logic to execute commands.
  • depends on some classes in the Model component, as it displays Person object residing in the Model.

Logic component

API : Logic.java

Here's a (partial) class diagram of the Logic component:

The sequence diagram below illustrates the interactions within the Logic component, taking execute("remove 1") API call as an example.

Interactions Inside the Logic Component for the `remove 1` Command

Note: The lifeline for RemoveCommandParser should end at the destroy marker (X) but due to a limitation of PlantUML, the lifeline continues till the end of diagram.

How the Logic component works:

  1. When Logic is called upon to execute a command, it is passed to an AddressBookParser object which in turn creates a parser that matches the command (e.g., RemoveCommandParser) and uses it to parse the command.
  2. This results in a Command object (more precisely, an object of one of its subclasses e.g., RemoveCommand) which is executed by the LogicManager.
  3. The command can communicate with the Model when it is executed (e.g. to remove a person).
    Note that although this is shown as a single step in the diagram above (for simplicity), in the code it can take several interactions (between the command object and the Model) to achieve.
  4. The result of the command execution is encapsulated as a CommandResult object which is returned back from Logic.

Here are the other classes in Logic (omitted from the class diagram above) that are used for parsing a user command:

How the parsing works:

  • When called upon to parse a user command, the AddressBookParser class creates an XYZCommandParser (XYZ is a placeholder for the specific command name e.g., AddCommandParser) which uses the other classes shown above to parse the user command and create a XYZCommand object (e.g., AddCommand) which the AddressBookParser returns back as a Command object.
  • All XYZCommandParser classes (e.g., AddCommandParser, RemoveCommandParser, ...) inherit from the Parser interface so that they can be treated similarly where possible e.g, during testing.

How the AddCommandHelper works:

  • When the user enters an input into the CommandHelperWindow, AddCommandHelper will use the methods defined in ParserUtil to check whether the input by the user is valid. This will be explained in detail in the AddByStep Feature.

Model component

API : Model.java

The Model component,

  • stores the address book data i.e., all Person objects (which are contained in a UniquePersonList object).
  • stores the currently 'selected' Person objects (e.g., results of a search query) as a separate filtered list which is exposed to outsiders as an unmodifiable ObservableList<Person> that can be 'observed' e.g. the UI can be bound to this list so that the UI automatically updates when the data in the list change.
  • stores a UserPref object that represents the user’s preferences. This is exposed to the outside as a ReadOnlyUserPref objects.
  • does not depend on any of the other three components (as the Model represents data entities of the domain, they should make sense on their own without depending on other components)

Note: An alternative (arguably, a more OOP) model is given below. It has a Tag list in the AddressBook, which Person references. This allows AddressBook to only require one Tag object per unique tag, instead of each Person needing their own Tag objects.

Storage component

API : Storage.java

The Storage component,

  • can save both address book data and user preference data in JSON format, and read them back into corresponding objects.
  • inherits from both AddressBookStorage and UserPrefStorage, which means it can be treated as either one (if only the functionality of only one is needed).
  • depends on some classes in the Model component (because the Storage component's job is to save/retrieve objects that belong to the Model)

Common classes

Classes used by multiple components are in the seedu.addressbook.commons package.


This section describes some noteworthy details on how certain features are implemented.

Undo/redo feature


The undo/redo mechanism is facilitated by VersionedAddressBook. It extends AddressBook with an undo/redo history, stored internally as an addressBookStateList and currentStatePointer. Additionally, it implements the following operations:

  • VersionedAddressBook#commit() — Saves the current address book state in its history.
  • VersionedAddressBook#undo() — Restores the previous address book state from its history.
  • VersionedAddressBook#redo() — Restores a previously undone address book state from its history.

These operations are exposed in the Model interface as Model#commitAddressBook(), Model#undoAddressBook() and Model#redoAddressBook() respectively.

Given below is an example usage scenario and how the undo/redo mechanism behaves at each step.

  • Step 1. The user launches the application for the first time. The VersionedAddressBook will be initialized with the initial address book state, and the currentStatePointer pointing to that single address book state.
  • Step 2. The user executes remove 5 command to remove the 5th person in the address book followed by a yes confirmation. The confirmation command calls Model#commitAddressBook(), causing the modified state of the address book after the removal execution to be saved in the addressBookStateList, and the currentStatePointer is shifted to the newly inserted address book state.
  • Step 3. The user executes add n/David …​ to add a new person. The add command also calls Model#commitAddressBook(), causing another modified address book state to be saved into the addressBookStateList.

Note: If a command fails its execution, it will not call Model#commitAddressBook(), so the address book state will not be saved into the addressBookStateList.

  • Step 4. The user now decides that adding the person was a mistake, and decides to undo that action by executing the undo command. The undo command will call Model#undoAddressBook(), which will shift the currentStatePointer once to the left, pointing it to the previous address book state, and restores the address book to that state.

Note: If the currentStatePointer is at index 0, pointing to the initial AddressBook state, then there are no previous AddressBook states to restore. The undo command uses Model#canUndoAddressBook() to check if this is the case. If so, it will return an error to the user rather than attempting to perform the undo.

The following sequence diagram shows how an undo operation goes through the Logic component:


Note: The lifeline for UndoCommand should end at the destroy marker (X) but due to a limitation of PlantUML, the lifeline reaches the end of diagram.

Similarly, how an undo operation goes through the Model component is shown below:


The redo command does the opposite — it calls Model#redoAddressBook(), which shifts the currentStatePointer once to the right, pointing to the previously undone state, and restores the address book to that state.

Note: If the currentStatePointer is at index addressBookStateList.size() - 1, pointing to the latest address book state, then there are no undone AddressBook states to restore. The redo command uses Model#canRedoAddressBook() to check if this is the case. If so, it will return an error to the user rather than attempting to perform the redo.

  • Step 5. The user then decides to execute the command list. Commands that do not modify the address book, such as list, will usually not call Model#commitAddressBook(), Model#undoAddressBook() or Model#redoAddressBook(). Thus, the addressBookStateList remains unchanged.
  • Step 6. The user executes clear, which calls Model#commitAddressBook(). Since the currentStatePointer is not pointing at the end of the addressBookStateList, all address book states after the currentStatePointer will be purged. Reason: It no longer makes sense to redo the add n/David …​ command. This is the behavior that most modern desktop applications follow.

The following activity diagram summarizes what happens when a user executes a new command:

Design considerations:

Aspect: How undo & redo executes:

  • Alternative 1 (current choice): Saves the entire address book.

    • Pros: Easy to implement.
    • Cons: May have performance issues in terms of memory usage.
  • Alternative 2: Individual command knows how to undo/redo by itself.

    • Pros: Will use less memory (e.g. for remove, just save the person being removed).
    • Cons: Need to ensure that the implementation of each individual command are correct.

Safe-Removal feature


The feature to remove contacts from the address book is facilitated by RemoveCommand and RemoveConfirmation.

The safe-removal mechanism consists of several components:

  1. RemoveCommand: A class that takes in the Index of a contact in the list, and "spotlights" this contact through Model#getFilteredPersonList() to then prompt the user to confirm the removal of the target person. This class does not perform the actual removal of the contact.
  2. RemoveCommandParser: A class that parses the user input to determine the target person to be removed. The class parses the Index input when users key in remove INDEX, to proceed with the confirmation process of the actual contact to be removed.

Below is the sequence diagram outlining the execution of RemoveCommand.


Note: The lifeline for RemoveCommandParser should end at the destroy marker (X) but due to a limitation of PlantUML, the lifeline reaches the end of diagram.

  1. RemoveConfirmation, RemoveSuccess and RemoveAbortion: Classes that prompt the user to confirm the removal of the target person, performing the actual deletion of the contact (or abortion of process), then providing feedback on the success or failure of the removal process.

Below is the sequence diagram outlining the execution of RemoveSuccess, where the user confirms the removal of a contact.


Our implementation follows Liskov's Substitution Principle closely. RemoveConfirmation was designed to be an abstract class to allow for extension of the 2 confirmation methods via the RemoveSuccess and RemoveAbortion classes. This decision makes it easier to group similar methods and messages together for better code extendability and maintainability when it comes to enhancing the confirmation process.


Given below is an example usage scenario and how the safe-removal mechanism behaves at each step.

Assuming existing contacts in the address book (shown in a simplified list for ease of understanding):

  1. Paul Walker
  2. Alice Cooper
  3. Dylan Walker
  4. Paul Cooper
  • Step 1: The user executes remove 4 command.

    • The remove command calls RemoveCommandParser#parseCommand(), causing RemoveCommand#execute() to get called
    • RemoveCommand will proceed with the confirmation process of the actual contact to be removed.
      • The input will be parsed by RemoveCommandParser to obtain the intended Index to be removed.
      • User will then be prompted to confirm the removal of the contact with "yes"/"no"
      • The user will then key in yes or no to confirm or abort the removal process.

    Are you sure you want to remove the following contact? (yes/no):

    1. Paul Cooper
  • Step 2a: The user confirms the removal of the contact by executing yes command.

    • The yes command calls RemoveSuccess#execute() to confirm the removal process.
    • The confirmation process will be handled by RemoveSuccess and its parent class RemoveConfirmation.
      • RemoveSuccess#execute() checks if the yes input is valid, calling RemoveConfirmation#isValidInput()
      • RemoveConfirmation#isValidInput() returns true if the input is valid, and false otherwise.
        • Validity of input is determined by the previous command executed by the user - a valid remove INDEX command, that serves as a precursor to the removal confirmation process.
    • If the user confirms the removal with yes, RemoveSuccess will proceed with the removal process.
      • The contact will be removed from the address book and RemoveSuccess will provide feedback on the success of the removal process.
  • Step 2b: The user aborts the removal of the contact by executing no command.

    • The no command calls RemoveAbortion#execute() to abort the removal process.
    • The abortion process will be handled by RemoveAbortion and its parent class RemoveConfirmation.
      • RemoveAbortion#execute() checks if the no input is valid, calling RemoveConfirmation#isValidInput()
      • RemoveConfirmation#isValidInput() will return true if the input is valid, and false otherwise.
        • Validity of input is determined by the previous command executed by the user - a valid remove INDEX command, that serves as a precursor to the removal abortion process.
    • If the user aborts the removal with no, RemoveCommand will abort the removal process.
      • The default list of contacts will be shown with the text input of the CommandBox cleared, and RemoveAbortion will provide feedback on the abortion of the removal process.
  • Step 2c: The user enters an invalid command e.g. abc instead of yes/no after the remove 4 command.

    • The user will be prompted with an error message:

    Unknown Command

    • Since the current GUI remains with the spotlighted contact "Paul Cooper", users will need to type remove 1 to be prompted with the confirmation process again, or type list to return to the default list

Here is an activity diagram that summarizes the process of removing a contact from the address book:


Note: The path from the guard condition [User executes "remove 1"] is supposed to point to Parse index action, but due to the constraints of PlantUML, it has been simplified to point directly to the merge node below.

Design considerations:

Several design considerations were taken into account when implementing the safe-removal feature.

Aspect 1: Mechanism to perform the actual deletion upon confirmation

Given the key purpose of this feature is for SAFE deletion, this step is crucial to ensure that there is a safety net for users before the actual removal of the contact.

  • Alternative 1 (current choice): To prompt the users for confirmation via a yes/no, then proceed with parsing the yes/no user input as independent commands in AddressBookParser

    • Pros: Maintains a similar command structure/workflow as all other commands (to go through AddressBookParser)
    • Cons: Requires backward reference of previous command to check if the input was a valid remove INDEX input, currently implemented in RemoveConfirmation#isValidInput(), leading to a more complex implementation.
  • Alternative 2: To create functions that directly handle the confirmation process within RemoveCommand

    • Pros: Removes the need to access the previous command and assess its validity
    • Cons: Changes the command structure/workflow
      • This alternative would require a more complex implementation, as the confirmation process would be directly handled within RemoveCommand, leading to a more monolithic class structure. This would make it harder to maintain and extend the code in the future, as the class would be responsible for the confirmation processes AND the actual process of removing the contact, violating the Single Responsibility Principle.


Weighing the pros and cons of Alternatives 1 and 2, we have decided to go with Alternative 1.

Addressing the cons of Alternative 1, our current implementation is such that details of previous command are retrieved from RemoveCommandParser within the RemoveConfirmation#isValidInput() method. This avoids exposure of the remove INDEX command details, ensuring Separation of Concerns and adhering to the Single Responsibility Principle as the RemoveConfirmation class solely handles the confirmation process itself and checks directly related to it.

Aspect 2: Potential safe-removal enhancement by first shortlisting the contact to be removed before proceeding with remove INDEX, potentially reducing the amount of scrolling to find the contact to be removed.

  • Alternative 1: To use the same command word (i.e. remove - remove NAME then remove INDEX) to perform the shortlisting of contacts with matching names, then identifying the specific contact to be removed by its index.

    • Pros: More intuitive for users to approach removal process
      • Using the same command word remove for both shortlisting and confirmation processes reduces the cognitive load, allowing the process to be more user-friendly
    • Cons: More complex execution process
      • This leads to ambiguity in the command execution process to new developers who are used to the conventions set by other commands, as this command structure would make use of an overloaded RemoveCommand constructor.
      • This also introduces unnecessary complexity since the RemoveCommandParser will have to handle cases where contact names contain numbers, and users seek to shortlist contacts with the numbers in the name, to avoid invoking remove INDEX instead.
  • Alternative 2 (current choice): To encourage users to use the existing find command to shortlist the contact(s) to be removed, then use the remove INDEX to identify the contact from a shorter list, proceeding with safe-removal.

    • Pros: Separates the shortlisting and confirmation processes to two distinct commands
      • This reduces ambiguity in the command execution process for future developers
    • Cons: Require 2 different commands for this enhanced safe-removal, which may come as a slight inconvenience to users.


Weighing the pros and cons of Alternatives 1 and 2, we have decided to go with Alternative 2 due to the clarity of separation between the shortlisting and confirmation processes. Since this workflow is simply an enhancement to the removal process, and given how find is relatively intuitive to use, we believe that the maintaining the separation of shortlisting and removal using the existing find command would ultimately provide a more straightforward and intuitive experience to users.

Other considerations:

  • Separation of Concerns Principle: Maintaining the separation of the shortlisting and contact removal confirmation processes (as opposed to overloading the RemoveCommand constructor) ensures that the command structure is clear and intuitive for future developers. This design decision promotes better code maintainability and extensibility, as the shortlisting process can be easily modified without affecting the confirmation process, especially since they are separate concerns to begin with. By adhering to the Separation of Concerns Principle, it has also ensured that the RemoveCommand class adheres to the Single Responsibility Principle, as it is solely responsible for the confirmation process of the contact to be removed.

Fuzzy Input


The BK-Tree data structure was employed by the implementation of the fuzzy input to effectively find words that are close to the target word in terms of their Levenshtein distance. Each node in the tree-like data structure represents a word and its children represent words that are one edit distance away.

The fuzzy input implementation consists of several components:

  1. BkTreeCommandMatcher: The main BK-Tree data structure for sorting and efficiently search for similar elements
  2. BkTreeNode: Internal node structure used by the Bk-Tree
  3. FuzzyCommandParser: A class demonstrating the usage of BK-tree for command parsing
  4. LevenshteinDistance: An implementation of the DistanceFunction interface using the Levenshtein distance algorithm

Our implementation follows the SOLID principle closely. We have designed interfaces to promote flexibility, especially complying with the Open-Close Principle. This design decision makes it easy to extend various CommandMatchers or DistanceFunctions in the future, making it easier to incorporate alternative algorithms if need be.

Given below is an example usage scenario and how the fuzzy input mechanism behaves:

  • Step 1 : User misspelled listing command lust instead of list.

    • The lust command calls FuzzyCommandParser#parseCommand(), causing BkTreeCommandMatcher#findClosestMatch() to get called in response.
    • The BkTree would be already initialised with the list of commands before the call.
      • During the initialisation, BkTree calculates the distances between the commands and constructs the tree accordingly.
    • When findClosestMatch() is called, it initiates a search within the BkTree constructed.
      • Starting from root node, Bk-Tree traverses through nodes based on the distance between the target command lust and commands stored in each BkTreeNode.
      • The closest match found based on the specified distance metric (1 misspell) will be returned, in this case list and AddressBookParser#parseCommand() will proceed on to the list command.
    • When calculating the distance between 2 commands, BkTree calls DistanceFunction#calculateDistance() method.
      • In this case, LevenshteinDistance class will calculate the distance.
  • Step 2 : User entered unsupported command peek

    • The peek command calls FuzzyCommandParser#parseCommand(), causing BkTreeCommandMatcher#findClosestMatch() to get called in response.
    • Initialisation works the same as Step 1
    • findClosestMatch() does the same operation as Step 1
      • However, based on the Levenshtein Distance algorithm, the distance between peek and any commands stored in BkTreeNode will be greater than 1 which is greater than the specified distance metric.
      • FuzzyCommandParser#parseCommand() will return null string to AddressBookParser#parseCommand()
      • Since null is not a recognised command, ParseException will be thrown.

Design considerations:

Common fuzzy search algorithm for approximate string matching were compared to determine the optimal algorithm for our AddressBook.

  • Alternative 1 (current choice) Bk-Tree with Levenshtein Distance Algorithm

  • Pros: Tree-like data structure

    • The hierarchical structure of BK-Tree allows search operations to run in logarithmic time, making them scalable for large datasets
    • BK-Tree can work with different types of data, not limited to strings
  • Cons: Require more memory, a concern for memory-constrained environment

  • Alternative 2 Hamming Distance

    • Pros: Straightforward to calculate and understand
    • Cons: Only designed for comparing strings of equal length
  • Alternative 3 Bitap Algorithm

    • Pros: Efficient for finding approximate matches of given pattern within a text
    • Cons: Primarily designed for substring matching within texts
  • Alternative 4 Brute Force Method

    • Pros: Easily to implement, no pre-processing required, takes no extra space
    • Cons: Horrible run-time

For our AddressBook implementation, the BK-Tree with Levenshtein Distance Algorithm proved to be the optimal choice. Its potential to extend code and efficiently handle misspelled or similar commands outweighs its memory usage and complexity of implementation. This algorithm guarantees fast runtime performance and robustness in command parsing.

Sort feature


The sorting mechanism is facilitated by SortCommand. It implements the following operations:

  • SortCommand#: Constructor class which is instantiated and stores the necessary SortStrategy based on user input.
  • SortCommand#Executes: Executes the necessary SortStrategy and update the model.

The sorting mechanism consists of several components:

  1. SortStrategy: An interface that requires implementations to define methods for sorting the address book and getting the category associated with the sorting strategy.
  2. SortByTag and SortByName: These classes implement SortStrategy interface to provide the specific strategies of the AddressBook based on tags and names respectively.
  3. SortCommand: Initiates the sorting by parsing user input to determine the sorting criteria and calls the appropriate sorting class based on the input. After sorting, it then updates the list of persons in the model.

Given below is an example usage scenario and how the sorting mechanism behaves at each step.

  • Step 1: The user launches the application for the first time, no contacts will be present in the AddressBook. When user add contacts in the AddressBook, contacts will be sorted based on their timestamp.

  • Step 2: The user executes sort name command.

    • The sortCommand# constructor will initialise with the sortByName strategy stored as SortStrategy.

    • sortCommand#execute will pass the current model's AddressBook to sortStrategy#sort, where UniquePersonsList will be obtained and sorted lexicographically by name

    • After sorting, the model will be updated to reflect the newly sorted contacts list, alongside a return statement to provide confirmation to the user.

  • Step 3: The user executes sort tag command.

    • The sortCommand# constructor will initialise with the sortByTag strategy stored as SortStrategy.
    • sortCommand#execute will pass the current model's AddressBook to sortStrategy#sort, where UniquePersonsList will be obtained and sorted lexicographically by tags
    • After sorting, the model will be updated to reflect the newly sorted contacts list, alongside a return statement to provide confirmation to the user.
  • Step 4: The user executes sort command.

    • The sortCommand# constructor will first verify the presence of condition input before proceeding with initialisation.
    • Since there is no condition stated, a ParseException will be thrown and a statement will be displayed to provide the correct input and conditions to be stated.

Design consideration:

SolidStrategy interface was implemented for sorting functionality to adhere to SOLID principles, particularly the Single Responsibility Principle, Interface Segregation Principle and Open/Close Principle.

  • Single Responsibility Principle

    • The interface maintains single responsibility by defining methods for sorting strategies without burdening implementations with unrelated methods
  • Open/Closed Principle

    • The interface provides an abstraction that allows for extension. New sorting strategies can be introduced by implementing SortStrategy interface without altering existing code.
  • Interface Segregation Principle

    • Segregates behavior for sorting into distinct methods sort and getCategory, thus, allowing different sorting strategies to implement only the methods they need, rather than being forced to implement monolithic interface with unnecessary methods.
  • Alternative 1 (current choice) sort method of the SortStrategy to take in AddressBook as its parameter.

    • Pros: Straightforward design and easy to implement.
      • Sorting logic interacts directly with data structure being sorted.
    • Cons: May be challenging to apply sorting strategies to different data structures without modification.
  • Alternative 2 sort method of the SortStrategy to take in model as its parameter.

    • Pros: Sorting strategies can be applied to different data structures without modification
      • Promoting code reuse and scalability.
    • Cons: Requires access to AddressBook eventually, introducing unnecessary complexity.

Alternative 1 is chosen for the following reasons:

  • Simplicity: keeps sorting logic simple and focused by directly interacting with the data structure being sorted.
  • Clear Responsibility: Sorting logic is closely tied to the data structure it operates on, adhering to the Single Responsibility Principle.
  • Ease of implementation: No need to pass unnecessary parameters to the sorting method.
    • Reduce complexity and potential dependencies.
    • Clear outline has been established that the only data structure present is the AddressBook containing UniquePersonList.
      • There is not a need to apply sorting strategies to another different data structure.

Add By Step


addbystep loads up a separate window, which will prompt the users for the necessary input fields for an add command. When all the fields have been successfully entered by the user, the user can copy the formatted command to their clipboard.


The architecture diagram given below explains the implementation for the UI for CommandHelperWindow


The functionality and purpose of the UI remains unchanged even though the implementation used for the UI is different.

The addbystep feature is facilitated by the AddCommandHelper and the CommandHelperWindow class. The CommandHelperWindow serves as the UI for the user to interact with the AddCommandHelper. The AddCommandHelper is responsible for accepting and checking whether the user's input is valid or not before prompting the user for the next input field.

Given below is an example usage scenario and how the AddCommandHelper class behaves at each step. Note that while each step for accepting fields may come off as repetitive, the type of invalid inputs for each field is different. Thus, we wish to illustrate examples of invalid inputs for each field.

  • Step 1: The user enters the addbystep command, causing the CommandHelperWindow to load up. It prompts the user for the name of the new contact.

  • Step 2: The user enters the name of the new contact.

    • If the name entered by the user is invalid (i.e. not alphanumeric), an error message will be shown and the user will have to enter the name again
    • If the name entered by the user is valid, the user will be prompted to enter the next field (number)
  • Step 3: The user enters the number of the new contact.

    • If the number entered by the user is invalid (i.e. one digit), an error message will be shown and the user will will have to enter the number again
    • If the number entered by the user is valid, the user will be prompted to enter the next field (email)
  • Step 4: The user enters the email of the new contact.

    • If the email entered by the user is invalid (i.e. does not have the @ symbol) an error message will be shown and the user will have to enter the email again
    • If the email entered by the user is valid, the user will be prompted to enter the next field (address)
  • Step 5: The user enters the address of the new contact.

    • If the address entered by the user is invalid (i.e. blank), an error message will be shown and the user will have to enter the address again
    • If the address entered by the user is valid, the user will be prompted to type the copy command (cp)

From steps 2 - 5, attached below is an activity diagram of how the user interacts with the AddCommandHelper when they are keying in the necessary inputs. The AddCommandHelper continuously validates the user's input to ensure that they have entered all the necessary fields correctly.

  • Step 6: The user enters the cp command.

    • The user can enter anything at this stage, but only the cp command will result in the formatted add command to be copied to the clipboard. Other inputs will result in the same prompt message at the end of Step 5
  • Step 7: The successfully copied message will be displayed to the user, and the user can now close the CommandHelperWindow window.

    • The user can still continue interacting with the CommandHelperWindow, but those interactions are meaningless, thus we will not go into the details of those interactions.

Below is an activity diagram that summarizes the process of a user using the addbystep feature.


Design considerations:

Aspect: How to implement assistance functions to aid users in typing their commands.

  • Alternative 1 (current choice) Create a new helper class and GUI to prompt users for the necessary details.

    • Pros:
      • It is easy to implement a new class, and due to the high cohesion of the previous code, we are able to reuse methods defined previously in ParserUtilclass to check the validity of the fields entered by the user
      • The CommandHelper class can be implemented separately from the rest of the classes. This results in lower coupling between the newly implemented CommandHelper class and the remaining classes, resulting in easier maintenance and integration
    • Cons:
      • The startup of another GUI for the helper class may introduce lag, especially on the older computers
  • Alternative 2 Implement a command to display the format for users to follow.

    • Pros:
      • It easier to implement as compared to the CommandHelper class, since prompts do not actually have any form of user interaction
    • Cons:
      • It does not benefit users as much, as they can still make mistakes when it comes to following the exact format of the command
  • Alternative 3 Implement a function to autocomplete commands for users.

    • Pros:
      • It can be built directly into the original GUI for AddressBook, there is no need for a separate GUI for the CommandHelper class
    • Cons:
      • Autocomplete is only able to fill in certain parts of the command for the user (i.e. the prefixes for names, tags). It cannot fill in the exact details
      • It is more difficult to implement as the users may try to autocomplete an invalid command, so there may be a need to perform checking of the command first, before letting the user know that the entered command is invalid.

Duplicate feature


The feature to be able to add persons with duplicate names in the address book are facilitated by the use of the DuplicateCommand. It implements the following operations:

  • DuplicateCommand#: Constructor class which is instantiated and stores the necessary toAdd person object based on user input.
  • DuplicateCommand#Executes: Executes the necessary addDuplicatePerson method and updates the model.

The sorting mechanism consists of several components:

  1. addDuplicatePerson: A method bound by the Person, ModelManager, AddressBook classes that each contain similar logic to support a SLAP form of implementation for the end execution point i.e. execute in DuplicateCommand.
  2. DuplicateCommand: Initiates the duplication by parsing user input to determine the identity of the person to add. After duplicating, it then updates the list of persons in the model.

Given below is an example usage scenario and how the feature mechanism behaves at each step.

  • Step 1: The user launches the application for the first time, no contacts will be present in the AddressBook. When user add contacts in the AddressBook, contacts will be sorted based on their timestamp.

  • Step 2: The user reaches a point where they encounter the need to have to add a separate contact, that has the exact same name as another person in their AddressBook.

  • Step 3: To continue, the user executes add /n... /e ... to attempt to add this new person.

  • Step 4: The user then receives an error in their AddressBook which alerts them that they already have such a person in their AddressBook, and they have the option of creating a duplicate of this contact.

  • Step 5: The user picks their choice and edits the command in their current CommandBox, replacing add with duplicate, leaving the rest of the arguments untouched.

  • Step 6: The user executes duplicate /n... /e... command.

    • The DuplicateCommand# constructor will initialize with the toAdd variable based on the created Person object in DuplicateCommandParser.
    • DuplicateCommand#execute will pass the toAdd to the model#addDuplicatePerson, where UniquePersonsList is updated with the duplicated person.
    • After duplicating, the model will be updated to reflect the newly sorted contacts list, alongside a return statement to provide confirmation to the user.

Design consideration:

DuplicateCommandParser interface was implemented to adhere to SOLID principles, particularly the Single Responsibility Principle and Interface Segregation Principle.

  • Single Responsibility Principle
    • The class maintains single responsibility by defining methods for duplicating persons without burdening implementations with unrelated methods
  • Interface Segregation Principle
    • Segregates behavior for duplicating into distinct methods addDuplicatePerson and getPerson, thus, allowing DuplicateCommand to implement only the methods they need, rather than being forced to implement monolithic interface with unnecessary methods.
  • Alternative 1 DuplicateCommand constructor of the DuplicateCommand to take in toAdd as its parameter.
    • Pros: Straightforward design and easy to implement.
      • Duplication logic interacts directly with data structure being sorted.
  • Alternative 2 DuplicateCommand constructor to take in all parameters of newly inserted person (name, address etc.)
    • Pros: Duplicating can be applied to different data structures without modification
      • Promoting code reuse and scalability.
    • Cons: Unnecessary complexity burden on DuplicateCommand to parse the user inputs into a Person and then execute the command.

Alternative 1 is chosen for the following reasons:

  • Simplicity: keeps duplicating logic simple and focused by directly interacting with the data structure(s) required.
  • Clear Responsibility: Duplication logic is closely tied to the data structure it operates on, adhering to the Single Responsibility Principle.
  • Ease of implementation: No need to pass unnecessary parameters to the DuplicateCommandParser method.
    • Reduce complexity and potential dependencies.

Overwrite feature


The feature to be able to overwrite a contact in the address book is facilitated by the use of the OverwriteCommand, given that the target contact's name already exists in LookMeUp. It implements the following operations:

  • OverwriteCommand#: Constructor class which is instantiated and stores the necessary toAdd person object based on user input.
  • OverwriteCommand#Executes: Executes the necessary setDuplicatePerson method and updates the model.

The sorting mechanism consists of several components:

  1. setDuplicatePerson: A method bound by the Person, ModelManager, AddressBook classes that each contain similar logic to support a SLAP form of implementation for the end execution point i.e. execute in OverwriteCommand.
  2. OverwriteCommand: Initiates the overwriting by parsing user input to determine the identity of the person to add. After overwriting, it then updates the list of persons in the model.

Given below is an example usage scenario and how the feature mechanism behaves at each step.

  • Step 1: The user launches the application for the first time, no contacts will be present in the AddressBook. When user add contacts in the AddressBook, contacts will be sorted based on their timestamp.

  • Step 2: The user reaches a point where they encounter the need to overwrite an existing contact, but has forgotten that they already have contact in their AddressBook, just with some differing details like address or email.

  • Step 3: To continue, the user executes add /n... /e ... to attempt to add this seemingly new person.

  • Step 4: The user then receives an error in their AddressBook which alerts them that they already have such a person in their AddressBook, and they have the option of overwriting the existing contact.

  • Step 5: The user picks their choice and edits the command in their current CommandBox, replacing add with overwrite INDEX, leaving the rest of the arguments untouched.

  • Step 6: The user executes overwrite INDEX /n... /e... command.

    • The OverwriteCommand# constructor will initialize with the toAdd variable based on the created Person object in OverwriteCommandParser, as well as the user's inputted index of person to be edited in the AddressBook.
    • OverwriteCommand#execute will pass the indexOfTarget to the model#getPerson, and will also pass the toAdd to the model#setDuplicatePerson, where UniquePersonsList is updated with the duplicated person.

Design consideration:

OverwriteCommandParser class was implemented to adhere to SOLID principles, particularly the Single Responsibility Principle and Interface Segregation Principle.

  • Single Responsibility Principle
    • The class maintains single responsibility by defining methods for overwriting persons without burdening implementations with unrelated methods
  • Interface Segregation Principle
    • Segregates behavior for overwriting into distinct methods setDuplicatePerson and getPerson, thus, allowing OverwriteCommand to implement only the methods they need, rather than being forced to implement monolithic interface with unnecessary methods.
  • Alternative 1 OverwriteCommand constructor of the OverwriteCommand to take in toAdd as its parameter.
    • Pros: Straightforward design and easy to implement.
      • Overwriting logic interacts directly with data structure being sorted.
  • Alternative 2 OverwriteCommand constructor to take in all parameters of newly inserted person (name, address etc.)
    • Pros: Overwriting strategy can be applied to different data structures without modification
      • Promoting code reuse and scalability.
    • Cons: Unnecessary complexity burden on OverwriteCommand to parse the user inputs into a Person and then execute the command.

Alternative 1 is chosen for the following reasons:

  • Simplicity: keeps overwriting logic simple and focused by directly interacting with the data structure(s) requ ired.
  • Clear Responsibility: Overwriting logic is closely tied to the data structure it operates on, adhering to the Single Responsibility Principle.
  • Ease of implementation: No need to pass unnecessary parameters to the OverwriteCommandParser method.
    • Reduce complexity and potential dependencies.

Filter feature


The sorting mechanism is facilitated by FilterCommand. It implements the following operations:

  • FilterCommand#: Constructor class which is instantiated and stores the necessary Predicate based on user input.
  • FilterCommand#Executes: Updates the model based on the generated Predicate.

The filtering mechanism consists of several components:

  1. Predicate: An instance of the TagContainsKeywordsPredicate class that stores the list of tags that a user inputs.
  2. FilterCommand: Initiates the sorting by parsing user input to determine the filtering criteria and then updates the list of persons in the model via model#updateFilteredPersonList.

Given below is an example usage scenario and how the filter mechanism behaves at each step.

  • Step 1: The user launches the application for the first time, no contacts will be present in the AddressBook. When user add contacts in the AddressBook, contacts are originally sorted based on their timestamp. Assume that after adding contacts, the user wants to filter by contacts that are tagged as friends.

  • Step 2: The user executes filter friends command.

    • The filterCommand# constructor will initialise and store the argument into predicate.

    • filterCommand#execute will pass the predicate to model#updateFilteredPersonList, where UniquePersonsList will be obtained and filtered by the given predicate

    • After filtering, the model will be updated to reflect the newly filtered contacts list, alongside a return statement to provide confirmation to the user.

      FilterSequenceDiagram FilterActivityDiagram

Design consideration:

TagContainsKeywordsPredicate class was implemented for filtering functionality to adhere to SOLID principles, particularly the Single Responsibility Principle, Interface Segregation Principle and Open/Close Principle.

  • Single Responsibility Principle
    • The class maintains single responsibility by defining the list of all tags that the user input, as well as testing for tag matches without burdening implementations with unrelated methods
  • Interface Segregation Principle
    • Segregates behavior for filtering into the method test, thus, allowing different filtering strategies to implement only the methods they need.
  • Alternative 1 (current choice) FilterCommand constructor to take in predicate as its parameter.
    • Pros: Straightforward design and easy to implement.
      • Filtering logic interacts directly with creation of new TagContainsKeywordsPredicate, before passing it directly to the FilterCommand for execution.
  • Alternative 2 FilterCommand constructor to take in user input string as its parameter.
    • Pros: Filtering strategies can be applied to different data structures without modification
      • Promoting code reuse and scalability.
  • Cons: Unnecessary complexity burden on FilterCommand to parse the user input and then execute the command.
    Alternative 1 is chosen for the following reasons:
  • Simplicity: keeps filtering logic simple and focused by directly interacting with the data structure, list in this case.
  • Clear Responsibility: Filtering logic is closely tied to the data structure and class it operates on, adhering to the Single Responsibility Principle.
  • Ease of implementation: No need to pass unnecessary parameters to the filter method.
    • Reduce complexity and potential dependencies.

Copy User Info


The copy command feature enhances a user experience by allowing the easy transfer of a contact's personal details directly into the clipboard of the user's operating system. The class, CopyCommand, is an inheritance of the Command class, that facilitates the process of copying essential information like a contact's name, email, and address, among other details. It offers users the flexibility to specify and copy multiple pieces of information simultaneously. The following example demonstrates how this command operates:

  1. A user types in copy 1 name email into the text field of CommandBox. Logic is subsequently called to execute the command, where AddressBookParser would parse the input and return a CopyCommand (kindly refer to here for Logic design).

  2. When AddressBookParser#parseCommand() is called, it makes use of switch statements to match the copy command and calls CopyCommandParser#parse(). CopyCommandParser#parse() is solely responsible for: (i) checking if input argument is empty; (ii) checking if index provided is non-negative; and (iii) calling ParserUtil#parseFieldsToCopy() to verify that fields provided by the user are of acceptable fields. By definition, acceptable fields includes only name,phone,email and address.

Note: ParseException will be thrown and an error message will be shown to user if either (i) or (iii) is violated, while IndexOutOfBoundsException is thrown when (ii) is violated.

  1. CopyCommandParser#parse() returns an instantiation of CopyCommand where its constructor takes in Index and a List<String> fieldsToCopyList as arguments. When the constructor of CopyCommand is called, the constructor removes any duplicated values (if any) from fieldsToCopyList with the use of Java Streams. Refer to code snippet below:
// Constructor
public CopyCommand(Index targetIndex, List<String> fieldsToCopyList) {
        this.targetIndex = targetIndex;
        this.fieldsToCopyList = fieldsToCopyList.stream()
  1. When CopyCommand#execute() is called, the contact of interest is obtained with the aid of Model#getPerson and the string representation of the information to be copied is retrieved by CopyCommand#getInfo(Person person) that returns a StringBuilder. The returned StringBuilder is then converted to StringSelection where it would be set as the content of Clipboard. The code snippet below shows the implementation of CopyCommand#execute():
    public CommandResult execute(Model model) throws CommandException {
        Clipboard clipboard = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getSystemClipboard();

        int zeroBasedIndex = targetIndex.getZeroBased();
        int addressBookSize = model.getAddressBook().getPersonList().size();

        if (zeroBasedIndex < 0 || zeroBasedIndex >= addressBookSize) { // checks if Index exceeds list of contacts
            throw new CommandException(MESSAGE_PERSON_NOT_FOUND); 

        Person person = model.getPerson(targetIndex.getZeroBased()); // retrieves Person of interest
        StringBuilder result = getInfo(person); // retrieves a person's information

        StringSelection toCopyString = new StringSelection(result.toString().trim());
        clipboard.setContents(toCopyString, null); // sets result to clipboard content

        return new CommandResult(MESSAGE_SUCCESS, false, false);

Below is a sequence diagram of the overall Copy operation:


Design Considerations

Several design considerations were taken into account when implementing the copy feature. Below lists a few alternatives:

  • Alternative 1 (current choice): User keys in command to copy a contact's information.

    • Pros:
      • Does not violate product requirement (i.e. for typists).
      • Does not involve the interaction of Java FXML.
      • Testability works well with JUnit.
    • Cons:
      • Much harder to implement as SOLID principles have to be upheld.
  • Alternative 2: Utilize JavaFX to allow users to select which information to copy.

    • Pros:
      • Simpler design and implementation of functionality, as compared to alternative 1.
    • Cons:
      • Violates product requirement (not suitable for target audience).
      • Much harder to test, requires external API such as TextFX to test.

From the two alternatives, alternative 1 was ultimately conceived as it does not violate our product's requirements. We believe that this design choice would benefit typists who wish to utilise input commands to retrieve contact information.

Exit Window


For this feature, an exit window ExitWindow is created to seek confirmation from user to terminate LookMeUp. ExitWindow is packaged under UI , along with other various parts of Ui components e.g. CommandBox, ResultDisplay, and PersonList etc. Similar to other Ui components, ExitWindow inherits from UiPart which captures the commonalities between classes that represent the different part of the entire GUI.

Structure of the UI Component

The Ui layout of ExitWindow is defined under ExitWindow.fxml. Below elucidates how ExitWindow is used:

  1. User executes the command exit, or other similar commands that resolves to exit deemed by the fuzzy input algorithm.
  2. An exit window will appear prompting for user confirmation to exit - Yes/No button.
  3. User would select either one of the 2 options.
Flow of Exit command

In ExitWindow.fxml, the Yes button is set as the default button such that the button receives a VK_ENTER press; the Yes button will always be in focus whenever ExitWindow is displayed. When a positive confirmation is received, ExitWindow#yesButton() would be called to terminate LookMeUp.

Consequently, the No button is set as the cancel button where it would receive a VK_ESC press that hides ExitWindow. ExitWindow#NoButton() would be called when a negative confirmation is received.

The behaviour of these implementations follow the behaviours as specified by JavaFx.

Design Considerations

  • Single Responsibility Principle

    • The ExitWindow maintains the responsibility of displaying exit confirmation and handling a user choice, which reduces coupling between itself and other Ui components.
  • Alternate implementation: A text field input that requires user to enter yes/no for confirmation. This design was not conceived as it requires the handling of invalid input, as is not as simple to implement as compared to the current implementation. Moreover, confirmation utilizing buttons is more intuitive for majority of users.

Input History Navigation


This Ui feature allow users to restore previously entered commands typed in the CommandBox, regardless of the validity of the command. Similar to the CLI, users would use the Up/Down arrow keys to navigate previously typed commands in the input history.

The class that encapsulates all the history of the commands is InputHistory which is declared as a nested class inside CommandBox; this is because the history of commands should be the responsibility of CommandBox class and should not be openly accessible to other classes.

InputHistory is instantiated whenever the constructor of CommandBox is called. As such, there is an association between InputHistory and CommandBox. The implementation of InputHistory encapsulates an ArrayList<String> and an index-pointer. Whenever a command is received by CommandBox, the command typed will be stored inside InputHistory (regardless of validity), as shown by the code snippet below:

public class CommandBox extends UiPart<Region> {
    ///Handles the event whenever a command is entered.
    private void handleCommandEntered() {
        String commandText = commandTextField.getText();
        if (commandText.equals("")) {

        try {
            commandExecutor.execute(commandText); //execute command in Logic
        } catch (CommandException | ParseException e) {
        } finally {
            commandTextField.setText(""); // clears the textfield

CommandBox#handleArrowKey() is called when a KeyEvent is detected by JavaFX event listener. With reference to the code snippet below, the function checks if InputHistory is empty. If the history is empty, it performs nothing. Else, it checks if whether the key pressed is an Up key, or a Down key. The code snippet below shows the implementation of CommandBox#handleArrowKey():

private void handleArrowKey(KeyEvent event) {
        String keyName = event.getCode().getName();
        //Performs nothing if there is no history.
        if (inputHistory.inputList.isEmpty()) {
        if (keyName.equals("Up")) {
            inputHistory.decrementIndex(); //Reduces pointer by 1
            setTextField(); // Sets textfield according to pointer
        if (keyName.equals("Down")) {
            inputHistory.incrementIndex(); //Increment pointer by 1
            setTextField(); //Sets textfield according to pointer

When CommandBox#setTextField() is called, it requests for the command from InputHistory#getCommand() that is pointed by the pointer, and sets the text field of CommandBox that is returned by the method.

How the InputHistory index-pointer works:

  • Whenever a new command has been entered, the command is added into the list. The index-pointer is set to the size of the ArrayList (i.e. it is pointing towards an empty slot in the ArrayList).

  • During an Up key press, the index-pointer is decremented by one (i.e. it is pointing towards an earlier command in the history).

  • During a Down key press, the index-pointer is incremented by one (i.e. it is point towards a later command in the history).

Below is a sequence diagram when an Up key is pressed:


Design Considerations

  • Single Responsibility Principle

    • CommandBox and InputHistory are gathered together as the two classes share the responsibilities of receiving and retrieving user inputs within the text field, hence increasing the overall cohesion of Ui components.
  • inputHistory is set as a private variable as no other class should have access to the internal of the class, except CommandBox itself. This allows encapsulation and information-hiding from other classes. Setter and Getter methods of InputHistory such as decrementIndex(), incrementIndex() and addToInputHistory() etc. serve as functions to retrieve and modify the value of the class.

  • Both InputHistory#decrementIndex() and inputHistory#incrementIndex() are designed with guard clauses to prevent the index pointer from reducing below zero or exceeding beyond the bounds of the ArrayList<String>.

  • Alternative Design

    • Currently, the implementation of InputHistory consists of an ArrayList<String> that stores all previously typed commands. An alternative solution to using an ArrayList would be LinkedList. However, LinkedList is not adopted as Java's LinkedList is implemented as Doubly-linked list which causes more memory overhead than ArrayList. Moreover, due to regular access of elements in the collection, ArrayList is a better design decision as its get operation runs in constant time O(1), as compared to LinkedList get O(n). Other methods such as remove and search etc. were not considered in the design decision as these operations are not needed for implementing InputHistory, but may be relevant for future extensions to the class.

Documentation, logging, testing, configuration, dev-ops

Appendix: Requirements

Product scope

Target user profile: NUS students who stay on campus

User Stories

Value proposition:

  1. Keeps track of the location and details specific to each contact, knowing who to make calls with
  2. Given how students who stay on campus find themselves in many different committees and interest groups, our Address Book seeks to provide features that allows them to compartmentalise their contacts and access various groups easily

User stories

Priorities: High (must have) - * * *, Medium (nice to have) - * *, Low (unlikely to have) - *

Priority As a …​ I want to …​ So that I can…​
* * * Student in a lot of committees Access my contacts by groups Easily identify the people in their different committees and CCAs
* * * Student Sort the contacts alphabetically Easily navigate the address book

Use cases

(For all use cases below, the System is LookMeUp and the Actor is the user, unless specified otherwise)

Use case: UC1 - Add a contact
Person that can play this role: Student in a lot of committees


  1. User types add command.
  2. LookMeUp adds the contact and displays the new contact in the database.
    Use case ends.


  • 1a. User typed the add command with an invalid format or field

    • 1a1. LookMeUp displays the error.
    • 1a2. User enters the add command again

    Steps 1a1-1a2 are repeated until the command entered is correct.
    Use case resumes from step 2.

Use case: UC2 - Remove a contact
Person that can play this role: Student who need a safety net to prevent accidental contact deletion


  1. User types remove command
  2. LookMeUp requests for confirmation.
  3. LookMeUp removes the contact and displays an execution success message.
    Use case ends.


  • 1a. User typed the remove command with an invalid format or field

    • 1a1. LookMeUp displays the error.
    • 1a2. User enters the remove command again

    Steps 1a1-1a2 are repeated until the command entered is correct.
    Use case resumes from step 2.

  • 3a. User declines the removal of contact.

    • 3a1, LookMeUp confirms user's selection.
      Use case ends.

Use case: UC3 - Filter contacts by tags
Person that can play this role: Student in a lot of committees


  1. User type filter contacts command
  2. LookMeUp displays the contact in the database
    Use case ends.


  • 1a. User typed an invalid command

    • 1a1. LookMeUp displays the error.
    • 1a2. User enters the correct command.

    Steps 1a1-1a2 are repeated until the command entered is correct.
    Use case resumes from step 2.

Use case: UC4 - Sort contacts by tags
Actor: User
Person that can play this role: Student in a lot of committees


  1. User type sort contacts command
  2. LookMeUp displays the contact in the database
    Use case ends.


  • 1a. User typed an invalid command

    • 1a1. LookMeUp displays the error and shows a list of commands it supports.
    • 1a2. User enters the correct command.

    Steps 1a1-1a2 are repeated until the command entered is correct.
    Use case resumes from step 2.

Use case: UC5 - Formatting an Add Command with system prompts
Person that can play this role: Student who is unfamiliar with the format of the Add command


  1. User type addbystep command
  2. LookMeUp prompts for details
  3. User enters the requested details
  4. LookMeUp will display the success message, and will prompt the user to type the copy command (cp)
  5. User types the Copy command
    Use case ends.


  • 2a. User types an invalid detail.

    • 2a1. LookMeUp displays the error.
    • 2a2. User enters the detail again.

    Steps 2a1-2a2 are repeated until the command entered is correct.
    Use case resumes from step 3.

  • 4a. User types a input that is not the copy command.

    • 4a1. LookMeUp will prompt the user to type the copy command.
    • 4a2. User enters another input.

    Steps 4a1-4a2 are repeated until the copy command is entered.

Use case: UC6 - Editing a command
Person that can play this role: Student who wishes to update the contact details of a contact


  1. User types the edit command.
  2. LookMeUp edits the details of the contact and displays the new contact in the database.
    Use case ends.


  • 1a. User typed the edit command with an invalid format or field

    • 1a1. LookMeUp displays the error.
    • 1a2. User enters the edit command again

    Steps 1a1-1a2 are repeated until the command entered is correct.
    Use case resumes from step 2.

Use case: UC7 - Copying a contact's details
Person that can play this role: Student who wishes to copy the contact details of a contact


  1. User types the copy command.
  2. LookMeUp copies the details of the contact specified by the user and displays the success message.
    Use case ends.


  • 1a. User typed the copy command with an invalid format or field

    • 1a1. LookMeUp displays the error.
    • 1a2. User enters the copy command again

    Steps 1a1-1a2 are repeated until the command entered is correct.
    Use case resumes from step 2.

Use case: UC8 - Undoing the last command
Person that can play this role: Student who entered a wrong command and wishes to revert his previous command


  1. User types the undo command.
  2. LookMeUp reverts the command entered by the user and displays the success message.
    Use case ends.


  • 1a. User typed the undo command with no previous state-changing commands
    • 1a1. LookMeUp displays the error.
      Use case ends.

Use case: UC9 - Redoing an undo command
Person that can play this role: Student who wishes to redo the previous undo command


  1. User types the redo command.
  2. LookMeUp reverts the latest undo command and displays the success message.
    Use case ends.


  • 1a. User typed the redo command with no previous undo command.
    • 1a1. LookMeUp displays the error.
      Use case ends.

Use case: UC10 - Clearing all the contacts in LookMeUp
Person that can play this role: Student who wants to delete all the contacts in LookMeUp


  1. User types the clear command.
  2. LookMeUp edits clears all the contacts and displays the success message to the user.
    Use case ends.

Use case: UC11 - Exiting the application
Person that can play this role: Student who wishes to exit the application.


  1. User types the exit command.
  2. LookMeUp displays a the Exit window
  3. User clicks "yes"
  4. LookMeUp closes
    Use case ends.


  • 3a. User clicks "no".
    • 3a1, LookMeUp confirms user's selection.
      Use case ends.

Use case: UC12 - Retrieving a person by name
Person that can play this role: Student who wants to look up a specific contact in LookMeUp


  1. User types the find command.
  2. LookMeUp displays a list of people who watches the details entered by the user. Use case ends.

Use case: UC13 - Overwriting a contact in LookMeUp
Person that can play this role: Student who wishes to completely change the details of an existing contact.


  1. User types the add command.
  2. User is prompted that their contact list, already contains the same name as the person they wish to add.
  3. User types the overwrite command with the respective input fields.
  4. LookMeUp changes the contact and displays the new contact in the database.
    Use case ends.


  • 1a. User typed the overwrite command with an invalid format or field

    • 1a1. LookMeUp displays the error.
    • 1a2. User enters the overwrite command again

    Steps 1a1-1a2 are repeated until the command entered is correct.
    Use case resumes from step 2.

Non-Functional Requirements

  1. Should work on any mainstream OS as long as it has Java 11 or above installed.
  2. Should be able to hold up to 1000 persons without a noticeable sluggishness in performance for typical usage.
  3. A user with above average typing speed for regular English text (i.e. not code, not system admin commands) should be able to accomplish most of the tasks faster using commands than using the mouse.
  4. A user should be able to add contacts even if they are not IT-savvy.
  5. Any operation executed on the app (list, remove, add, etc) should not take more than 10 minutes to process.
  6. The startup time for the application should not take more than 10 minutes.
  7. Side pop-up windows should not interfere with the execution of commands in the main window.


  • Mainstream OS: Windows, Linux, Unix, MacOS
  • Private contact detail: A contact detail that is not meant to be shared with others
  • IT-savvy: The user is not familiar with the exact format of the add command.
  • Side pop-up window: Additional windows that can be opened by the user during usage of the software(e.g. the help window).
  • SLAP: The Single Level of Abstraction Principle states that all the code inside a method should be at the same level of abstraction.
  • SOLID principle: The SOLID principle is a set of five design principles used in object-oriented programming to make software designs more understandable, flexible, and maintainable. The acronym SOLID stands for:
    • Single Responsibility Principle
    • Open/Closed Principle
    • Liskov Substitution Principle
    • Interface Segregation Principle
    • Dependency Inversion Principle
  • Levenshtein distance: Measure of the difference between two strings, representing the minimum number of single-character edits (insertions, deletions, or substitutions) required to change one string into the other.
  • BK-Tree: A tree data structure used to efficiently store and search for strings or other data based on their edit distance or similarity.
  • Monolithic Interface: A single large interface encompasses all the functionality and operations of a system.

Appendix: Instructions for manual testing

Given below are instructions to test the app manually.

Note: These instructions only provide a starting point for testers to work on; testers are expected to do more exploratory testing.

Launch and shutdown

  1. Initial launch

    1. Download the jar file and copy into an empty folder

    2. Double-click the jar file Expected: Shows the GUI with a set of sample contacts. The window size may not be optimum.

  2. Saving window preferences

    1. Resize the window to an optimum size. Move the window to a different location. Close the window.

    2. Re-launch the app by double-clicking the jar file.
      Expected: The most recent window size and location is retained.

Add By Step

Loading up the AddByStep Window

  1. Type addbystep into LookMeUp
    • Expected output: A new window should appear, prompting you for the name of the person to enter
  2. Leave the name blank and press the ENTER key
    • Expected output: An error message should appear, and you have to enter the name again
  3. Type John into the GUI
    • Expected output: The name will be successfully accepted, and you will be prompted for the next field
  4. You may follow the prompts to enter the subsequent details, examples of invalid inputs are given in the example use case scenario in Add By Step.

Edit contact

Edit contact based on the details provided. eg. Name, email, address etc.

  1. Prerequisites: Existing LookMeUp contacts list must not be empty.

    (Details of name, address etc. are a placeholder for the following test cases)

  2. Test case: edit 1 n/Alex Yeoh

    Expected: Contact at index 1's name has been edited to Alex Yeoh.

  3. Test case: edit 2 n/Bernice Yu p/91725373

    Expected: Contact at index 2's name and number have been edited to Bernice Yu, 91725373 respectively.

Filter contact list

Filter contact list based on the tag(s) provided.

  1. Test case: filter friends Expected: Only contacts that have the tag friends will be shown in the contact list

  2. Test case: filter Neighbours Expected: Only contacts that have the tag Neighbours will be shown in the contact list


Add a person that has an identical name to a contact in your existing LookMeUp contacts.

  1. Prerequisites: Existing LookMeUp contacts list must not be empty.

    (Details of name, address etc. are a placeholder for the following test cases)

  2. Test case: duplicate n/Alex Yeoh a/Serangoon Crescent Street e/alexyo@example.com p/91234567

    Expected: Contact with above details (Name as Alex Yeoh, Phone as 91234567...) is added

  3. Test case: duplicate n/Bernice Yu a/Serangoon Crescent Street e/berniceyu@example.com p/91234568

    Expected: Contact with above details (Name as Bernice Yu, Phone as 91234568...) is added

  4. Test case: duplicate n

    Expected: No contact is added. Error details are shown in the status message.


Overwrites a person that has an identical name to a contact in your existing LookMeUp contacts.

  1. Prerequisites: Existing LookMeUp contacts list must not be empty.

    (Details of name, address etc. are a placeholder for the following test cases)

  2. Test case: overwrite 1 n/Alex Yeoh a/Serangoon Crescent Street e/alexyo@example.com p/91234567

    Expected: Contact at index 1, and with above details (Name as Alex Yeoh, Phone as 91234567...) is overwritten

  3. Test case: overwrite 2 n/Bernice Yu a/Serangoon Crescent Street e/berniceyu@example.com p/91234568

    Expected: Contact at index 2, and with above details (Name as Bernice Yu, Phone as 91234568...) is overwritten

  4. Test case: overwrite 1

    Expected: No contact is overwritten. Error details are shown in the status message.

Safe Removal of a Person

  1. Removing a person while all persons are being shown

    1. Prerequisites: List all persons using the list command. Multiple persons in the list.

    2. Test case: With a list of at least 2 contacts, enter remove 2
      Expected: Second contact is spotlighted from the list. Prompt to confirm removal with yes/no.

      • If yes, the contact will be removed. A success message and details of the removed contact will be shown in the status message. Timestamp in the status bar is updated.
      • If no, the contact will not be removed. Status message will show the removal is aborted. Status bar remains the same.
    3. Test case: remove 0
      Expected: No person is removed. Error details shown in the status message. Status bar remains the same.

    4. Other incorrect remove commands to try: remove, remove x, ... (where x is larger than the list size)
      Expected: Respective error messages. Similar to previous.

Fuzzy Input

Handling a command with a single misspelled letter.

  1. Test case: lort name
    Expected: sort name command will still be executed and contact list will be sorted alphabetically based on person's name
  2. Test case: lst
    Expected: list command will still be executed and all the contacts will be listed in the contact list.
  3. Other misspelled command to try: fwlter TAG, adbystep, ...
    Expected: Correctly spelled commands will still be executed as intended.

Sorting contact list

Sort contact list based on the keywords input.

  1. Test case: sort name
    Expected: Contact list will be sorted lexicographically based on person's name.

  2. Test case: sort tag
    Expected: Contact list will be sorted lexicographically based on person's tags.

Copy Contact Information

Retrieve a contact's information into system clipboard.

Given this example:

Below shows a list of possible commands:

Sample Commands Details Results
copy -1 name Copies the name of contact indexed -1 N.A. Error will be shown.
copy 4 tag Copies the tag of contact indexed 4 N.A. Tag is not a valid field.
copy   4 name Extra spaces between copy and index Taylor Sheesh
copy 4   name Extra spaces between index and name N.A Error prompt fields not recognised.

For more sample test cases, kindly refer to the UG.

Undo / Redo

  1. Enter add n/Jia wei p/97743772 e/jw@gmail.com a/Block E 02-22 t/friend in the command box.

    Expected output: A new contact named "Jia wei" will be added to your list, and will be found at the last index.

  2. Enter undo in the command box.

    Expected output: The contact list will revert back to its state before the contact was added in Step 1.

  3. Enter redo in the command box.

    Expected output: The contact list will revert back to the state after the contact was added as it is in Step 2.

  4. Within the same application launch, you may try to perform n consecutive state-changing commands, then directly followed by undo, and expect to be able to run undo n consecutive times as well. Similarly, with x consecutive undo commands, you should be able to run redo consecutively x times as well.

Note: Examples of commands that are NOT state-changing include: filter, list and hence if you try to undo, there will be an error message that there is no command to undo.

Do also note that the redo command must be immediately preceded with undo, failing which (false example: add n/... , undo, remove 1, then redo) there will be an error message that there is no command to redo.

Saving data

  1. Dealing with missing/corrupted data files

    1. Open the .json file where the details of the contact have been started
    2. Go to the name of the first person, and remove the name (This will corrupt the data file as the name cannot be blank)
    3. Run LookMeUp, and execute a command (any command will do)
    4. Expected output: LookMeUp will load up blank, and after the execution of the command, the corrupted json file will be erased.

Planned Enhancements

Our team consists of 5 members.

  1. Add an exit command to AddCommandHelper to enhance AddByStep process

    • Currently, AddCommandHelper has to be closed manually, which is not optimised for fast typists.
    • We plan to add an exit command to AddCommandHelper such that you can close the window simply by typing the exit command
  2. Vary Distance Metric for Fuzzy Input

    • Currently, the MAX_DISTANCE for the distance metric is set to 1.
    • To enhance user-experience and accommodate longer commands with potentially more misspellings, it would be advantageous to dynamically adjust the MAX_DISTANCE according to the length of the correct command string.
    • This approach allows a more flexible and adaptable matching process, guaranteeing that the misspelling tolerance varies proportionately with command length.
    • By dynamically adjusting the MAX_DISTANCE, longer and more complex input command like addbystep can be accurately
  3. Enhance Invalid Input Error-Handling for Safe-Removal Confirmation Step

    • Currently, when a user is prompted for confirmation, to enter either a yes or no input, if they enter any other (invalid) input e.g. abc, they will be prompted with an Unknown Command error message, which is too general.
    • With the Unknown Command prompt, though the GUI still shows the spotlighted contact for removal, the user is unable to directly type yes/no to proceed with the confirmation as the system does not recognise that the user is still in the process of removing the contact, which brings slight inconvenience though there is a simple step to get around it by typing remove 1 then yes/no to proceed with the confirmation.
    • 2 Enhancements:
      • We plan to improve the Unknown Command error message to be more specific, such as Invalid Input, please enter 'yes' if you wish to proceed with the removal, and 'no' if you wish to abort the removal process.
      • Together with this, we are also planning to change the internal validity checking process of RemoveConfirmation#isValidInput to check for whether the last VALID input is a RemoveCommand instead of simply checking the last input (which currently makes the system prone to keeping track of the invalid input and assuming the user is no longer doing a removal). This would remove the inconvenience of having to type remove 1.
  4. Improve Name Validation for Name Field

    • Currently, names can only contain alphanumeric characters and spaces. Legal names such as Joseph King Jr., Shaquille O'Neal, Mary-Anne Tan or Ravichandram S/O Ramesh are considered invalid.
    • We plan to update the validation regex to enable special characters such as ', -, /, and . to be recognised
    • This allows LookMeUp to accommodate to more users, and to be more inclusive.